A 500 years ago the spirit of the Great Dragon Azure called upon an Elven prince to serve him. The Prince, named Zireimen, managed to convert a number of Elves to their service of the Dragon and amassed not only an Army bit a nation. The Religonof Azure spread like the flame from the Dragon's breath across all the spires and elves, in the solemn secrecy of their hearts pledged their fidelity to Azure above all others. The Spire Lords sought to eradicate this threat to the Elven way of life and they outlawed worship of beings other than the gods of their forefathers. Having incited an existential war of faith the now organized Children of Azure fought the alliance of Spires to a draw in the north west city of Bala-Tol. There Zireimen accepted defeat on the terms that the followers of the Dragon be free to leave the City and live as Exiles.
Azure lead the Prince where his exiled children to a new home. The Exhiles, as they came to be called in history, disembarked on Volcanic Island where the Feyfolk had Imprisioned The dragon ages before. There they subjugated the tribal dragonkin race, the Drakes, and built a new civilization. They expanded, conquering and assimilating peoples, establishing an Empire they reverently named "Azure's Dominion."
Outsiders often refer to the Elves of Azure's Dominion as Dark Elves. This is for two reasons. Firstly where Spire Elf architecture is dominated by glorious towers, the great buildings of the descendants of the Exiles are a dark ashy color, often decorated with black volcanic glass. Secondly, though elves are typically dour and severe the cultural tone of Azure's Dominion seems much more sinister than the aloof intellectualism of the Spire Elves. Most Dark Elves do not take offense to that name but they refer to themselves in their own tounge as Brin-Ou, meaning Children of the Exiles.
The Dragon Emperor, and all his faithful subjects, seek to prepare the world for Azures coming at the Dawning of the next age. Though the Brin-Ou are the chief citizens of the empire, sometimes refered to as Azure’s Chosen, the dragon kin, called Azure’s Children, and men alike serve Azure’s Dominion.
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