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Sector retaken by Crusade was lead by an unknown chapter of Astartes which did not settle in the sector. They are often believed to be successors of the White Scars. The Adeptus Ministorum establishes a Cardinal's Sea on Xandi III to oversee the indoctrination of the worlds into the Imperial Cult. Adeptus Terra establishes beurocratic framework throughout the sector following the rather successful conversion effort lead by the Venerable Cardinal Violno.
Mars establishes forge worlds on Phelos and surrounding moons. A Knight worlds emerges in a nearby system, on Belian, a once primitive agriworld, to help provide the base of a bio nutrients paste for Phelos' population. The Explorator who established the world was not materially limited so they simply gave the peasants harvester mechs and gave the nobles Imperial Knights to keep them in line. They also established ministries of the sacred sciences for better food production and maintenance.
The sector quietly weathers the Age of Apostasy. Though Vandire executes Eiphus the Poet, Cardinal of Xandi III and refuses to name a replacement, the Sector Commander consolidated power and control of the sector and the strong presence of the Priesthood of Mars reinforced stability until the coming of Sebastian Thor.
Kurscon Wahggg . Adamar the valiant (imperial knight) becomes a hero in the war against the green skins and myths begin to enshroud him after his death. Ultimately the Wahggg was halted by the excellent tactics and skill of High Admiral Stohrn, commander in chief of Battlefleet Heracles.
The Cult Mecanicus proliferates throughout the sector, largely in the wake of devistation from the Kurscon Wahggg. This overwhelmingly agrarian and back world territory of space becomes more industrialized. The Cult of Mars establishes two forge worlds and establishes a parallel system of governance in the Hercules Sector. This is a relatively peaceful period of growth. This period is considered a slightly unorthodox time by the Ordo Xenos and stringent adherents to the cult of Mars alike. The increase in industrialization drew rogue traders to the sector. Xenos technology became abundantly available and the trade was difficult to suppress.
Civil war on a Maldos prevents payment of Tithe. The Sector level parties gets involved, primarily with a large Arbite led expedition to restore order and enforce the tithe. The Arbite forces reinforce the world's ruling family. Two nearby worlds join in dissent because they believe the Arbites are overstepping their authority on the grounds that sub-sector law and custom has precedence in resolving disputes. It is a particularly zealous movement which challenged secular imperial authority over the personal and local devotion to the emperor. This was declared a heresy (naturally) and the next 300 years were spent resolving it.
First Dark Eldar Raids and the "Lost Fleet" occurred in 207. In 219 the Dark Eldar raided the Knight world of Belian , home of adamar the valiant, and enslaved the majority of the population and their swift hit and run attacks managed to swarm and destroy or capture the Knights themselves. By the time Battlefleet Heracles arrived they found only a few stragglers which they destroyed. The same year Ordo Xenos inquisitor Dalmatus went missing. When the Mechanicus lost Belian it was forced to reorganized how it provided it's adherents in the sector with nutrients. The trade agreements made in the wake of this disaster brought the powerful Cult Mechanicus to heel under the Sector Commander.
The warp storm in the sector, known as the Undiscovered March, begins to dissipate and the first Scadian Crusade follows. (Named by the overwhealming leadership and manpower originating from that world.) The crusade is relatively successful but culminates after the expurgation of the Derogian Worlds.With the fall of more Coreward sectors to Hivefleet Leviathan and Behemoth, the imperial tithe increased, stifling local efforts to consolidate Imperial power locally, this left the fledgling colonies and missions in the recently reclaimed Derogian worlds to flounder. The strain on the Adeptus Munitorum at a galactic level eventually lead to the "The Memorandum" issued by the Adeptus Administratum. For all practical purposes, Sector Heracles was no longer under Imperial Rule.
-001 Times seem grim. Lord Commander of Sector Heracles, High Governess Navina, immediately calls for a counsel of Lords across the Sector on the capital world of Litera II. The Literan Council, as it was named, had representative members of each subsector and the major powers that were once parts of the Imperial Political and Social architecture. From this she established the new Government of Sector Heracles.