[SOURCE: Tunnox Mining Colony, Borisian March, Sector Heracles, Segmentum Tempstus]
--->Astropathic Transcript Follows:
TIMESTAMP: Inconclusive
"THIS IS MAGOS EISTER, CHIEF ENGINSEER OF TUNNOX MINING COLONY. WE HAVE EXPERIENCED [Unintelligible]. I REQUEST [Language lost in transwarp relation. Indiscernible emotional conveyance]... IMPACT TO MINE OUTPUT IS SEVERELY HINDERED. AUGURIES INDICATE [Shadows cause the transmission to decay. Portents suggests the following sentence articulated a negative affect..]"
END OF TRANSCRIPT {SAP: Suglitor Yeun, Tunnox Mining Colony/RAP: Cell Resident 34, Phelos IV}
Scanning for Astropathic Echoes has discerned a faint whisper in the either maddness, seemingly related to this event.
Alas, something dark is afoot in the mines of Tunnox.
{RAP: Astropathic Choir of Bihandra.}