Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Bio: Inquisitor Hastatus Dorn




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HOMEWORLD: Scadia, Sector Heracles
ALIAS & HONORARIES: Crusade Father, Lord Abbot of the Brotherhood of St. Timon
AFFILIATIONS: Ordo Malleus,  
PHILOSOPHY: Monodominant 

Bio Brief: Born on the Feudal World of Scadia in Sector Heracles. His father Brutus Dorn, a great baron, answered the call of Crusade after his wife died during the childbirth of their third child, leaving the children under the wardship of a local magnate.  His father died in the Fourteenth Verinium Uprising, while fighting valiantly. Therefore, Hastatus and his two sisters were swiftly whisked off to Scholae Progium on [CLASSIFIED] known as Bihandra. Both of his sisters entered the Adepta Soroitas, the youngest survives and is a canoness in the order of the Nameless Martyrs.

        Dorn performed well in scholae, displaying intellectual acumen as well as physical prowess. In truth he matured into a rather fine physical specimen. What his schoolmates recall most is his dedication to the traditions of Scadia and his deep religiosity tempered by unshakable stoicism. He requested a special dispensation to enter the Crusader House of Xandi and serve as part of the Cardinal's Crimson. The senior Drill Abbot approved the request but then revoked it shortly before his graduation to fulfill a shortage of interrogators in the holy ordos.

        The Herculean Conclave assigned Dorn to Inquisitor Laquadus as an interrogator upon graduation. There he served alongside Nixious Barbossa, ten years his senior, shortly before Barbossa was accepted into the Ordo Malleus. [Access to Files Barbossa, Nixious [INQ] are sequestered] The two men seemed to be kindred spirits despite the age gap and became fast friends. After fifteen years of service to Inquisitor Laquadus, including a trip to Titan as part of a delegation of Ordo Malleus Inquisitors in outer rim worlds to discuss methods of fighting demons with the fabled grey knights, Dorn accepted a rosette in the Ordo Malleus but was also introduced into the local community of Inquisitors in the Sector known as the "Herculean conclave."

        His short time with they grey knights taught him that to be effective against the demon, wherever it appears, you must be prepared to fight him. So Dorn Slowly collected great warriors and trained them to for the threat beyond. He meanwhile, established numerous acolyte cells lead by his interrogators. Dorn requested and appointed more Interrogators than most Inquisitors would deem prudent, to hunt for signs of demonic cults across the system. Inquisitor Cefeax in the Ordo Xenos and the Herculean Conclave developed this model of investigating Xenos conspiracies and used it for more than a century to great effect.

        Dorn suffered from a lack of an extra-material threat. The boredom tempted his ambitions and lead him to overstep his traditional jurisdiction and prosecuted the Emperors justice himself of his strike teams and informants identified anything amiss, including heresy and Xenos influence. The Herculean Conclave groaned about this, but ceded that his efforts helped stave off existing dangers to the Imperium in their Sector rather than continually holding warriors in reserve.

        It did not take long for Dorn to receive a chance to confront a significant demonic menace head on. With the dissipation of the warpstorm in the Unexplored March worlds infested with Chaos and demonic entities presented themselves. Already of monodominant temperament, he ordered the Sector to organize a crusade into the marches to eradicate the demon worlds.  Though he was not a General of the crusade he certainly served as its spiritual leader and significantly altered its direction and objectives through the course of the campaign to reflect his own vision. [Campaign History Omitted] Ultimately, the crusade succeeded in purging the most heinous demonworlds in the subsector.  Though victorious, the conflict resulted in millions of casualties. On the first world they crusaders conquered, Crucible III, the Cardinal of Xandi consecrated it as a tomb World for the crusade's dead and the headquarters for a new order of the Adepta Soroitas to guard the tombs of the martyrs. This is how the Order of the Nameless Martyrs came to be.

        After the crusade Dorn entered quasi retirement, still full of his vitality, he took the station of abbot of a monastery on Scadia where he lives as a model Scadian lord, praying, hunting and participating in tournaments. He collects the greatest knights of Scadia into his retinue, arms them with the finest equipment and sallies from his beloved home world only when the his network of informants tell of a demonic presence. Then he charges headlong into the fray with his warriors.

        As a right of passage to enter Inquisitor Dorn's mesne as a warrior, they must climb to the top of the jagged peaks of the Enstor Heights and slay a scadian snow bear. The creature's pelt identifies a knight of Scadia as a member of their resident inquisitor's retinue.