Sunday, January 5, 2025

Links to Resources for Projects

Catalog of Late-Roman and Early Anglo-Saxon relevant material culture from museum collections.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Darkness in the Mines of Tunnox

--->Sector Heracles Astropathic Alert.

[SOURCE: Tunnox Mining Colony, Borisian March, Sector Heracles, Segmentum Tempstus]

--->Astropathic Transcript Follows:

TIMESTAMP: Inconclusive

"THIS IS MAGOS EISTER, CHIEF ENGINSEER OF TUNNOX MINING COLONY. WE HAVE EXPERIENCED [Unintelligible]. I REQUEST [Language lost in transwarp relation. Indiscernible emotional conveyance]... IMPACT TO MINE OUTPUT IS SEVERELY HINDERED. AUGURIES INDICATE [Shadows cause the transmission to decay. Portents suggests the following sentence articulated a negative affect..]"
END OF TRANSCRIPT   {SAP: Suglitor Yeun, Tunnox Mining Colony/RAP: Cell Resident 34, Phelos IV}


Scanning for Astropathic Echoes has discerned a faint whisper in the either maddness, seemingly related to this event.

Alas, something dark is afoot in the mines of Tunnox.

{RAP: Astropathic Choir of Bihandra.}

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Literan Council

[...Adeptus Administratum Archive] + ACCESS GRANTED+
-------------->Heracles Sector

                    SEARCH: "Literan Council"

...Searching Records...


...Generating Display...


High Governess Navina called for the formation of the Literan Council on her capital world of Litera II in M42.001, following the publication of "The Memorandum." The stated purpose of the council was to form a unified sector government in the absence of Imperial Rule. After four standard months of deliberation, the Council drafted and ratified the Literan Concord, the constitution of the the new government. This established the Council of Literan as the permanent ruling body of the sector under the executive leadership of the Lord Commander's Seat.

There was some debate and Tension over the nature and placement of executive power, between the Sector Governor, the Cardinal Palatine and the Archmagos.  Judge Ornuc Aenbitas argued convincingly that "The Memorandum" specifically charged the office of the Sector Govenor rule, and legally any foundation of a legitimate government must rest on "The Memorandum." Archmagos Dulan grudgingly accepted High Governess Navina's leadership, under the weight of two millennia of precedent.

List of Members
- High Governess Saisi Navina, Imperial Commander of Sector Heracles
- Arch Magos Dulan, Forgemaster of Phelos IX and most Senior Member of the Cult Mechanicus
- Cardinal Palatine Tonnatas Barnerby, head of Church.
- Judge Ornuc Aenbitas, chief of Justice and parliamentarian of the Council
- Inquisitor Kalice Dellana, representative of the Heraclean Conclave and Astra Telepathica Matters
- Lord General Yubin Welles, Commander of the Interior Guard
- Lord Admiral Donello Aground, Advisor of Naval Affairs
- Professor Oria, Scribe and representative of the Euridition Council
- High Count Plyn Caverich of the Hevelus Cluster
- High Marq Gudruc Masiere of the Borisian Marches
- High Count Justin Thurman of the Dantan Subsector
- High Count Rudus Equin of Subsector Rittan
- High Marq Jules Napet of the Undiscovered March
- Astartes Captain Jutrios Sicatus, Liason for the Knights of Gryphonne Chapter

Sunday, May 14, 2017

BIO: Inquisitor Kalice Dellana




Input File you wise to View: "Dellana, Kalice [INQ]"
...Generating Display

Archivist Note: A suitable abstract of Inquisitor Dellana has yet to be constructed. Though admittedly this is a considerable shortfall in the strength of this database to lack a encyclopedic brief of such a prominent and important figure within Segmentum Tempestus, Taking it upon myself to remedy the problem once it was brought to my attention by one of my junior lexmechanics, I believe I have identified a document that will serve a suitable placeholder for her entry until a scholar of appropriate skill and mastery of source material undertakes her biography. Something I am sure the readers of this entry anticipate with as much eagerness as myself and the rest of the Erudition Council. Please accept my sincere apologies and enjoy. - HSD

///: From the Office of Inquisitor Germond Aynosis, Ordo Hereticus, Herculean Conclave
Distribution: For the 2,587 Herculean board of Elevation. Encryption Level: AMBER
Purpose: Recommendation to Elevate Interrogator Kalice to the station of Inquisitor

TEXT: Well met, my brothers who bask in the emperor's light. I offer my greetings and deepest gratitude for taking time to read my words of explication, as I submit to you my most promising student. I intend to be succinct, since I am painfully aware of the great insufferable tedium you are enduring for the good of our order and all mankind. Yet, the subject matter makes my task an easy one, because she is indeed ready to don the rosette and stand should to shoulder with the likes of us.
Our life of service requires a great deal more than other servants of the immortal God-Emperor of Mankind. The make and mettle of an Inquisitor must be finely balanced between extremes. We must possess the intellect to root out threats and the strength to destroy them, the charisma to lead others and the conviction to sacrifice them when needed, peerless knowledge of our foes and the wisdom to avoid becoming what we seek to destroy.  In my three quarters of a century I can think of no more qualified individual under my tutelage that personifies these qualities than Interrogator  Dellana.
Born on Graxis Majoris in M41.962 to the Zutchdin Class, she was sent to Scholae Progenium without her birth parents ever seeing her as part of that planet's tithe to Holy Terra, a requirement ever since the Graxian Insurrection of 266.  Lucky for our small sector of space, she was enrolled into Bihandra Instructorum. At Bihandra, she excelled scholastically, - succeeding in being published twice before graduating at the top of her class- Martially- she came in second twice in planetary marksmanship competitions within her category- and spiritually- leading a prayer group that become popular even among drill abbots. Naturally, all vocations were open widely to her and she chose the Inquisition.
Since meeting the vital and sharp young woman at the chilly mountainous Scholatorum, my confidence and admiration has grown daily for the 15 years she has served by my side. In that time, she has performed exemplarily. She is singlehandedly responsible for the capture of the heretic and apostate, Deromius Jalice. Her scholastic prowess has contributed to identifying and classifying the Druforean Stratumites as a minor Heresy. Lately, she has proved herself extremely adept at managing my Tolemet Station office in my absence for the past two and a half years.
Details of her record are enclosed in the file I have submitted with the cover letter. Her quality is made evident within. I recommend she is selected ahead of her peers for elevation to Inquisitor.
The Emperor Protects

Herculean Conclave


Archivist Note: Inquisitor Dellana has served the Imperium for a Century and a Half. She is currently the Inquisition's representative in the court of the High Governess of Sector Heracles. She is a self proclaimed Amalathian, though some critics over the past decade she has taken an increasingly Monodominant bent.

Thursday, April 6, 2017



---> Granted

SEARCH: "XANDI III, Recent Events"

...Searching Records...

--->[ARTICLE: Minor Heresies Stemming from Xandi III and their theological inconsistencies.]
--->[CONTEXT BRIEF, CASE: Ruin of Xandi III]
--->[ARTICLE: Popular Dialects of Xandi]
--->[ARTICLE: Architectural deviance from STC on Xandi III]





...Generating Display...

ASTROPOLITICAL ABSTRACT: Xandi III is an ecclesiastic world of average gravity and atmosphere, as far as habitable planets go, in them middle of the DANTAN SUBSECTOR in SECTOR HERACLES,  SEGMENTUM TEMPESTUS. The planet is the traditional Seat for the Cardinal Palatine of Sector Heracles. Historically, Xandi III was instrumental in reclaiming the Sector after the Horus Heresy. The planet survives on the donations of the Emperor's faithful and the profits of pilgrimage. Since the planet was settled for it's spiritual significance, instead of economic significance, it has become dependant on the Sector Community to allow it to continue to thrive.

--->Limited to M41 and beyond.

        -M40.803 Spatian Greer
        -M41.003 Simon Racutan 
        -M41.103 Yutini Wassex
        -M41.326 Ergus Nomador
        -M41.487 Algan Nomador
        -M41.491 Bergerius Shrike
        -M41.562 -VACANT-
        -M41.732 Gedor Velleran
        -M41.818 Gellox Phrax
        -M41.933 Tonnatas Barnerby
        -M42.016 Magsumas Prater 
        -M42.019 -VACANT- (Claimed by the False Cardinal Rafael)

        -M42.026 Diadus Vorn (Appointed by the Ecclisiarch of Terra, yet to consolidate Power)
                                                 Cardinal Palatine Vorn has yet to make planetfall on Xandi III to                                                            confirm his ascension to the Seat of Xandi.

RECENT HISTORY: THE MEMORANDUM originally did not affect Xandi much, since their connection to the rest of the Imperium is chiefly spiritual rather than political, a dangerously shortsighted opinion. Yet, the sector's economic downturn at the beginning of M42, sparked in large part because of the economic downturn put a great deal of strain on Xandi's income. To compensate, and because he disagreed with  paying Terra's Token to a Sector High Governess, Cardinal Palatine Magsumas Prater refused to submit to the sector's authority.  The Adeptus Arbites refused to prosecute for two years, claiming a lack of law to govern the peculiarity of the ditiation and a lack of any legal precedent. While the legators of the Adeptus Arbites searched through their emmense archives for a legal stance of the matter, Inquisitor Dellana of the Ordo Hereticus ordered that the Cardinal submit to the Sector Governess and pay the tithe, in addition to any money owed from previous failures to pay.
Cardinal Magsumas Prater tried to comply, but the planetary recession spiraled into a severe depression. Popular resentment against the Sector government stewed, allowing demagogues to rise in the street. Riots eventually saw the collapse of the planet's systems. Finally the Adeptus Arbites concluded they had grounds to prosecute Cardinal Prater for tithe evasion and executed him. The minimal detatchment present to keep order on the planet was insufficient because they misjudged the magnitude of the response and was overrun and themselves killed by the mob.  M42.018 Madness, riots and poverty consumed the planet. Millions die from hunger and violence.
Warlords and Demagogues struggled with one another for the power to control the starving population. Eventually, a preacher named Rafael gains control of the capital city and claims the title of Cardinal and claims all the trappings of the high Cardinal. It takes another year for him to consolidate power, but through the power of his own personality and conviction, and the weariness of conflict in the denizens of Xandi, he gained legitimacy in the eyes of the people on that planet.

The False Cardinal Rafael traveling through the ruined streets of Xandi III surrounded by faithful bodyguards. - Image Captured by a Loyal Imperial Subject, all contact with this individual has been lost.
Preoccupied with an insurrection on a strategically important mining world, the Sector lacks the forces to control Xandi.  The False Cardinal Rafael begins his campaign to bring the emperor's misguided flock into his fold across the Sector.  M42.020 Inquisitor Dellana names Rafael Hereticus Extremis.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Bio: Inquisitor Ignatius Ligatus




... Searching Records...


Input File you wise to View: "Ligatus, Ignatius [INQ]"

...Generating Display
ALERT: Some Information in this Brief is Sequestered
ALIAS & HONORARIUMS: Margus Kempt, Solovus Drite,
PHILOSOPHY: Amalathian, 

Bio Brief: Possessing mild Psychic talents, the Black Ships took him and after receiving an Psionic assignment of THETA, he received training and employment within the Holy Ordos. Initially, he worked at a planetary office, using his abilities to detect any hint of malevolence, when dealing with ancient Xenos artifacts. 
Displaying promise, Inquisitor Lefeaux elevated him to the station of interrogator. He served with distinction, most notably on Meria's Mercy where he uncovered a radical splinter cell of a Nurgle cult that sought to summon a demon to the "Bread Basket" of Sector Heracles. 
Shortly after his display of insight, courage and resolve on Meria's Mercy, Iganatius Ligatus was elevated to Inquisitor. For his first assignment he was to monitor all out of sector shipping for illicit Xenos Trade.  During this time his mentor, Inquisitor Lefeaux famously went missing. 
After uncovering troubling records on two ceased cargo ships, he began his search for, "Victor the Heretech." His investigation has brought him to Druforus IV. 
He considers himself a field inquisitor, paying little attention to the troubles of Sector Politics. The only change the Memorandum has had on his operations are to make them more numerous.  He has promised to protect the people of the emperor from the alien, and he will do that regardless of the squabbles of interplanetary courts. This aloofness has made him unfavorable with other powerful Inquisitors in the Sector, like Dorn and Dellana, who believe he may have something to hide.

A Selection From "Confessions of a Heretic: The Inevitability of Recidivism" [-RESTRICTED-]

=I=//Extract File "Confessions of a Heretic: The Inevitability of Recidivism" [-RESTRICTED-]

Authenticate Clearance...


=I=AUTHENTICATED: Welcome Inquisitor.

INQUISITORIAL CENSURE FOREWORD: This is a selection of illicit text. Despite that, these passages seem to be relatively inert and  are an effective tool as a cautionary tale from a man of high station, brought low by his own digressions and indiscipline. Very often, we cannot analyse the mind of the heretic, in many cases because there is not much of a mind left, either psychologically or physically. Yet, the subject matter and author of this text possessed enough presence of mind to describe his descent into corruption and the price of accepting the vile in search for the beauty of truth. As with all censured texts, you must remain on guard, "Vigilant always!"

BODY (Selected): Sometimes, for our own sake, we should simply accept we have looked deep enough into the chasm of tumult. Unless, of course, it festers. It ebbs at the sanity of your subconscious, planting small spores which blossom into questioning fungi. Read through pages of the proscribed texts again, then again, to find the deeper meaning. You know there must be more, there are tantalizing gaps that you lust to have filled. Yet as you reflect in the dark of your inner mind's eye, the lust goes unrequited, as though it spurns you for being unworthy, for not being mad enough.

So, you adopt the cloak of insanity, only for a time, to disguise yourself and gain your entrance into the court of shrouds. Then, when you have had your fill, and for good measure and odd pleasure you over consume. You realize it is time to take the cloak off,  but now, when you try to remove it you will cry out in pain! You tug at it but it feels as though you are ripping at your own flesh, and you no longer can tell where the trappings of insanity ends, and the old self, naive yet uncorrupted, begins.

Then you weep alone in the alleyways of that strange city at the bottom of the pit, where the grotesque denizens pay you no more heed than a false holy-man does a beggar after a sermon. You see two roads, equially grim, diverging into a bloody and dark wood. Either painfully remove that which has become your skin and be scarred forever, or embrace your new home, where you may blissfully forget what you lost, except in dreaded and terrible cold sweats in the night where you scream stabbed with the memory that you were once a creature of the light. ///END TEXT SELECTION///